Friday, January 13, 2012

True Happiness

Dear AFC:
My father told me---long, long time ago---that to be truly free, one should find an activity that makes one happy and do not depend on anyone else. I imagined this would be like a little window where one can walks towards (whenever you feel like it) and contemplate beauty.
For my father, this was math. Those math books were able to transport the man and set him truly free. And, being his daughter I though this was science for me. But my relationship with science hardly depend only on me. While it is true, that I can do almost whatever i feel like during my working hours; it is also true, in the real engineering part of science lays down its application and that forcefully involves interacting with people.
Not that I hate people (and would be the problem if I did) is that then it does not set you free.
N asked a few days back; why was I so happy.
Because I run--I said.
It is incredible how so small things can makes us happy---she said.
And it is true. So small. Till today, I do not know, if running is the "thing" that sets me free. I wish it was not something so trivial and mundane. I would rather be free by solving PDEs. But just between us, it does it. Running frees me and for a moment I can relieve my soul of my heavy self and be alone with my true me. Just me and my pace. But I still like PDEs.

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